Tax Services

Moore Global team’s mission is to help your business thrive in a changing world.
In our fast pace world, the requirements to specialists of financial and tax departments of companies are increasing dramatically. Those specialists not only have to perform their daily work timely and efficiently.  They must stay on top of constantly changing local and international legislation and provide support to their businesses to by proactively identifying potential risks and spotting available benefits of newly planned transactions.
Specialists of Moore Kazakhstan worked in Kazakhstan tax authorities, in Big4 companies in Kazakhstan and in Europe, as well as headed financial and tax departments of international companies. They experienced themselves the difficulties faced by companies, and are well aware of the opportunities that are often missed.
With a wide network of offices, Moore Global will provide you with access to the global best practices, as well as our support in meeting the requirements of both Kazakhstan and international tax legislation.
Our team is ready to help you effectively complete your tasks, and develop individual and practical solutions, using the experience of our specialists.
Moore Kazakhstan offers the following tax advisory and compliance services: