Private Client Services

Kazakhstan, like many countries in the world, is strengthening control over compliance with tax legislation by individuals, including the exchange of tax and financial information between tax authorities. The current tax legislation requires individuals to declare real estate and Bank accounts outside of Kazakhstan, disclose the structure of business ownership, and much more.
The risks associated with these requirements may make it necessary to review business decisions and investment strategies, taking into account the tax and legal risks associated with these processes. These processes can also make it more difficult to plan to move to other countries and obtain foreign residency or citizenship.
Moore Kazakhstan team works closely with colleagues from other countries to advise individuals with complex business and asset ownership structures in order to provide comprehensive support and effectively solve the problems faced by our clients.
How can we help:
To help meet legal requirements, Moore Kazakhstan is ready to offer the following support: 
  • Consultations on compliance with the requirements of Kazakhstan and international legislation in planning and management of foreign property and international investments
  • Support in preparing and submitting tax reports and applying the provisions of international conventions
  • Consultations on the application of legislation on taxation of controlled foreign companies (CFC)
  • Consultations on changing tax residency and immigration matters

Why Moore Kazakhstan: 
  • Long-term practical experience with international tax compliance requirements, close interaction between offices in different countries, and international standards of ethics and confidentiality distinguish our team specializing to provide services to private clients.
  • Our procedures for providing such services are focused on enhanced data protection, so that our clients can be sure in the safety of their information.
  • Experienced specialists specially trained in this field will provide an advice tailored to the needs of a particular person, taking into account the specifics of the situation, regardless of jurisdiction.